
Hi Clive, i totally agree this forum has got worse, i keep signing in hoping its going to be relaxed but all i find is the same people having a go. you should be ashamed of yourselves and realise just how lucky you are to be living in La Marina. the forum has lost another. :(

La Marina

Yes Mark on this forum opinions are allowed unlike your own Forum. Now this is Trolling!!!!!!. Shame none of us are allowed to comment on your forum

Commented Alice in Rentals in Spain 2012-07-26 21:39:40 UTC

Hi Alice,
Yet again somebody had to have a go.
I do not have a forum and i watch from the UK
I agree opinions are great and should be viewed, however why is it the same people that have these opinions and why are they always negitive and a little agressive. i visit La Marina several times a year and as i said before you do not know how lucky you are.

Commented info in La Marina 2012-07-26 22:02:17 UTC

The Forum

I do most of the time keep out of what is going on and apart from a few edits the forum is left to the people that want to use it. We do know that a small group of people from other sites try to stir things up put apart from that I think what is posted on the forum is what people truly think. If people use the site and then leave it as they do not like what is being said then this is sad for them, and the site. Maybe they should try saying their bit and take no notice of others
The person who has signed in as INFO is saying there is nothing of much interest on the site so lest see what has been posted on this page.

White Swan Music
On a Lighter Note
Fiestas in Spain
Computer Shop
Sports Complex
The Needy
Live Music Outside
Two Great Mysteries
Tin Cans
Big IVA Hike
Good Food
La Marina Fiesta
Line Dance

So where are all these moaners ?
For me or anyone looking at coming to La Marina I see from these post that there is a good and lively spirit in the area.

This site is now the one that most people use, and it gets more new users than any other site in the South Costa Blanca.

Commented Team ASL "A Spanish Life" in La Marina 2012-07-27 06:34:11 UTC

It occurs to me that when "Info" is complaining about the moaners, he/she is becomming the biggest moaner of all! Some time ago I nominated my Person of the Week. Does anyone out there have their "Person of the Week" because it's these people who need to be recognised. Perhaps this should be a new thread though.

Commented Carol G in La Marina 2012-07-27 08:10:03 UTC